Friday, May 29, 2020

The Salvatore Brothers
Damon and Stefan were born to Giuseppe Salvatore and an unnamed wife in Mystic Falls in the 1800s. They grew up being best friends but in 1864, a young woman came to stay at the Salvatore Estate, Katherine Pierce. Both brothers were smitten with her and a rivalry for her began. Unknown to them, Katherine was a vampire and she intended to turn them so they could all spend eternity together. She compelled them both to keep her secret as vampires were being hunted. In the end, Katherine chose Stefan over Damon.
Damon was in love with Katerina Petrova and drank her blood willingly when she asked him to, as he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. It is presumed that he was unaware at the time that Katherine was compelling Stefan to drink her blood as well. Stefan was blinded by his love for her as well, and could not believe that vampires were inherently evil, like the Founder's Council and his father believed. He hinted to his father that he believed there was goodness in vampires, unintentionally driving Giuseppe to suspect that a vampire was in contact with his son and spiked his drink with vervain.
In a heated moment alone in Stefan's room, Katherine drank Stefan's blood and was instantly weakened by the vervain he had unknowingly ingested earlier. Giuseppe burst into the room and had her taken away. Damon was furious with Stefan, as he had made him promise not to say anything to their father for exactly that reason They decided to free Katherine, but were both shot and killed in the process by their own father. They had Katherine's blood in their system when they were shot, and woke up later by the quarry.
Emily Bennett, Katherine's handmaiden, was a witch, was looking after the brothers when they awoke hours later. She gave them daylight rings, made with the Lapis Lazuli stone and their family crest and initials. After waking up, Stefan realized that he and Damon were in transition to becoming a vampire. Emily told him that to complete the transformation, he would have to drink human blood. The brothers decided to die instead because the only reason they wanted to turn was to be with Katherine, and they thought at the time that she was dead.
Stefan went to see Giuseppe, while Damon went to Fell's Church. Giuseppe, realizing that his son was a vampire, was disgusted and tried to stake him to kill him one last time. However, Stefan was too quick for him, and gravely injured his father in the process. Stefan tried to help him, but the blood was too much, and he couldn't resist drinking from him. He later compelled a young woman to follow him to meet Damon, who had watched Katherine enter the church before it burned down. Stefan convinced a broken hearted Damon to drink the woman's blood so they could be together forever, telling him how euphoric the feeling was. After drinking her blood and becoming a vampire, Damon, still upset that Katherine had chosen to turn Stefan as well as himself, was so angry that he promised his brother an eternity full of misery. From that moment until sometime in 2009, Damon followed Stefan around the world, coming up with new ways to make him miserable.
--- After the Events of the Vampire Diaries.--
(Too much to explain, and still get them both in.)
Damon Salvatore  
Gender: Male
Born June 28th, 1839 (Age 25/174)
Turned By Katherine Pierce on September 25, 1864
Status: Undead (And well!)
  • Confederate Soldier, American Civil War(1864)
  • Prisoner (1953-1958)
  • Leader of the Founder's Council(2010)
  • Augustine Vampire (Formerly)
  • Human (Originally)
  • Vampire (NiKlaus' Bloodline) ((Currently))
  • Ghost (Formerly)
  • Augustine Vampire (Formerly)
  • Zachariah Salvatore (Deceased - Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)
  • Joseph Salvatore (Deceased - Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)
  • Giuseppe Salvatore (Deceased - Father)
  • Stefan Salvatore (Alive - Younger Brother)
Stefan Salvatore 
Gender: Male
Born November 5, 1846 (Age 17/167)
Turned By Katherine Pierce on September 25, 1864
Status: Undead (Resurrected)
  • Nomadic Traveler(Formerly; 1920's)
  • Allies Soldier, World War II (1942)
  • Harvard University Student (1970's)
  • High School Student(Formerly; 2009 to 2011)
  • Doppelganger (Originally/Inactive)
  • Vampire (Klaus' Bloodline) ((Currently))
  • Ghost (Formerly)
  • Zachariah Salvatore (Deceased - Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)
  • Joseph Salvatore (Deceased - Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)
  • Giuseppe Salvatore (Deceased - Father)
  • Damon Salvatore (Alive - Older Brother)
The Salvatore Brothers have traveled to Hellifyno. Not sure how, or why! But surprisingly they managed to wind up here, as well as a few other 'friends' of theirs. These Salvatore boys are slightly altered. Elena Gilbert to them, will no longer be around. She would of left and died, long after their short relationship, (Or so they think) and left Stefan and Damon to feed on human blood, changing for the 'better'
These brothers wont be the same way they should of been. These two will be the same blood thirsty beasts they should of been from the very beginning. Damon has taught Stefan to control himself on human blood, making it much easier for Stefan to 'care' even if it is difficult for him, seeing as how letting his humanity go is something he does while on the stuff.
Powers and Abilities
  • Super Strength- Vampires are noticeably much stronger than average adult humans and slowly grow stronger with time. They always have the advantage of superior strength in direct combat with a human. Even new vampires who are still in transition can toss an average size fully grown human across a room with great speed and force. Their other feats include single-handedly lifting grown men high off the ground by the throat and snapping their necks, ripping people apart, and ripping out internal organs such as hearts with little to no effort. Their strength is also more powerful than that of werewolves that are not in wolf form. Their strength allows them to jump higher and further than any natural creature. Vampires who feed on humans are stronger than those who feed on animal blood.
  • Super Speed  - Vampires are much faster then humans and werewolves in human form, and can possibly out run a werewolf even in wolf form. Vampires can accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant, faster the  the human eye can see. When running across long distances, they appear as vibrating blurs of motion. Their reflexes are similarly heightened. Like their strength, their speeds increases with age.
  • Super Agility - Vampires possess superhuman agility. They have shown that they can move, jump very high, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. Vampires can jump with their super speed too. Vampires that feed on human blood can jump much higher than vampires that feed on animal blood. These abilities increase with age.
  • Enhanced Emotions - Vampires experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are intensified for vampires allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows vampires to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age. Original Vampires have been shown experiencing emotions as powerfully today as they did 1,000 years ago. Conversely sadness, depression, guilt, fear and anger are also amplified causing most vampires to "turn off" their emotions.
  • Emotional Control - Vampires have the supernatural ability to remove or dull their emotions. They can "switch off" their ability to feel emotions such as fear and guilt allowing them to kill without remorse, go against any opponent without fear and relieve themselves of depression and sadness. A vampire without there emotions is far more calculating and direct than one who keeps them on. However, the vampire will become a remorseless killer almost unrecognizable from the person they truly are. This ability fades with time and vampires who are over 500 years old are said to loose it altogether.
  • Dream Manipulation - Vampires can control dreams and the subconscious.They have the ability to produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares and lucid dreaming, distort peoples perception of reality and trap someone in their dreams. Vampires can manipulate and enter the subconscious of other vampires and even an Original Vampire if they are weak enough.
  • Super Senses - Vampires have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight and smell that far exceed those of humans and werewolves. They can hear whispered conversations, even ones in far of buildings and on phones, smell blood from several meters away, and see in total darkness. These senses improve and grow stronger with time.
  • Mind Compulsion - Vampires have the ability to influence and control thoughts,emotions and behavior and alter or erase memories. Normal vampires cannot "compel" other supernatural creatures whereas Original Vampires can compel other vampires and vampire/werewolf hybrids.
  • Immortality - A vampire stops aging once turned. Upon their transformation vampires become immune to all conventional illness, diseases, viruses and infections.
  • Healing Factor - Vampires heal extremely quickly, but still feel the pain of a wound before it heals. Vampires can snap their bones back into place after being broken and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso impalement. The only injury that cannot be healed on its own is a werewolf bite.
  • Super Durability - Vampires can take a great amount of physical damage without being slowed down. Even vampires who have been shot with wooden bullets have been seen to continue fighting, as long as they were not shot in the heart, or the head.
  • Fangs - Vampires can grow a pair of fangs from their canine teeth, which they use to feed. Their fangs will occasionally come out and extend when they feed, are arouse by the scent of blood, or feeling intensely threatened or angered, especially if they are new vampires who have yet to gain complete control over their bloodlust. Vampire's teeth and fangs are much stronger than human teeth allowing them to tear into and rip the limbs off their prey.
  • Tactile Telepathy - Vampires are able to display their memories to other beings through touch.
  • Telepathy - An advanced form of mind control that allows vampires to mentally communicate over a vast distance. Damon and Elijah have been shown to mentally communicate with others from a distance sending distress calls and mental images. Klaus has also been shown sharing his memories with others
  • Illusions - As seen with Lexi, vampires have the power to create illusions and trick the minds of others into seeing/feeling things.

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